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Nuvoton Technology Corporation

Nuvoton Technology Corporation (Nuvoton) was founded to bring innovative semiconductor solutions to the market. Nuvoton was spun-off as a Winbond Electronics affiliate in July 2008 and went public in September 2010 on the Taiwan Stock Exchange (TWSE). Nuvoton focuses on the developments of microcontroller, microprocessor, smart home, cloud security IC, battery monitoring IC, component, visual sensing and IoT with security and has strong market share in Industrial, Automotive, Communication, Consumer and Computer markets. Nuvoton owns 6-inch wafer fabs equipped with diversified processing technologies to provide professional wafer foundry services. Nuvoton provides products with a high performance/cost ratio for its customers by leveraging flexible technology, advanced design capability, and integration of digital and analog technologies. Nuvoton values long term relationships with its partners and customers and is dedicated to continuous innovation of its products, processes, and services. Nuvoton has established subsidiaries in the USA, China, Israel, India, Singapore, Korea and Japan to strengthen regional customer support and global management.

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Nuvoton Technology Corporation


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Nuvoton Technology Corporation


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Nuvoton Technology Corporation


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Nuvoton Technology Corporation


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Nuvoton Technology Corporation


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Nuvoton Technology Corporation


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Nuvoton Technology Corporation


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Nuvoton Technology Corporation


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Nuvoton Technology Corporation


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Nuvoton Technology Corporation


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